
Bidang Penerbangan merupakan unsur pelaksana teknis di bidang pembangunan Bandar Udara, pengembangan keamanan penerbangan serta pengawasan dan pengendalian angkutan udara.
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Fungsi Bidang Penerbangan

Untuk melaksanakan tugas Bidang Penerbangan mempunyai fungsi:


Penyusunan rencana kebijakan kebandarudaraan, keamanan penerbangan dan angkutan udara yang terpadu antar moda transportasi serta Pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang pengembangan kebandarudaraan;

Licensed & Insured

Pelaksanaan koordinasi, evaluasi dan pelaporan di bidang penyelenggaraan kebandarudaraan, keamanan penerbangan dan angkutan udara serta


Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengawasan dan pengendalian angkutan udara dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanan transportasi udara serta Pelaksanaan pengendalian sistem operasional fasilitas kemanan penerbangan dalam rangka peningkatan keselamatan di bidang transportasi udara;

Warranty & Maintance

Our quick time and proactive approach assist our clients to rehearse the future.

Problems we solve

From content creation and partnership brokering to dynamic content optimisation and sponsorship, we do a lot more in the world of content than you would imagine from a media agency.

Popular questions

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How to soft launch your business?
A digital marketing agency can help businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales. By leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, a digital marketing agency can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition
A digital marketing agency can help businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales. By leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, a digital marketing agency can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition
A digital marketing agency can help businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales. By leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, a digital marketing agency can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition
A digital marketing agency can help businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales. By leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, a digital marketing agency can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition
A digital marketing agency can help businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales. By leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, a digital marketing agency can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition

Do you need any help?

+ (406) 555-0120